Introduce Yourself : Director Wanting to Connect by Rodney Luis Aquino

Rodney Luis Aquino

Director Wanting to Connect

Hey everyone, I'm a Director located in Atlanta, GA. Love to meet people out there looking to network. Here's my YouTube Channel:

Rodney Luis Aquino Director
Rodney Luis Aquino Director
1st, thank you for subscribing to my channel. It's very much appreciated. Just a little backstory about me: I'm a former USAF Veteran who discovered my passion for filmmaking when I was deployed. The…
Maurice Vaughan

How are you, Rodney? How are your projects going?

Rodney Luis Aquino

Hey Maurice, I'm good.You? Currently writing my 1st novel which is a lot of research. I do have some pitch packages I'm working on as well.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Rodney. What genre is your book? I'm doing fine. Writing a feature script.

Rodney Luis Aquino

It's a long process for sure lol. It's my 1st. It's based on the JFK Assassination

James Welday

Pleased to meet you, Rodney!

Rodney Luis Aquino

Great to meet you too James

Maurice Vaughan

Is your book a Political Drama, Rodney (I'm guessing because of the topic)?

Rodney Luis Aquino

Yeah, based on the actual event. Lot's of research

David Santo

just subscribed

Rodney Luis Aquino

Thank you David

Jon Sanhueza

Hey, Rodney, I'm based in Athens GA. Good to meet you!

Rodney Luis Aquino

Great to meet you Too. You are not too far

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