Introduce Yourself : Writer/storyteller by Paul French

Paul French


I have a couple of questions. Has anyone had pandemic burnout? I have. I also had COVID for 28 days followed by "long-hauler" issues until I received my second shot of the vaccine early in the summer. When do you think it will be safe to go to a full cinema again? What is your favorite season of the year and what's your favorite film? I love the fall and The Best Years of Our Lives.

Amanda Toney

Yes to pandemic burnout. I think it all took a toll on us here in the community, but luckily we all had each other to get through it. Sorry to hear you had Covid, but your optimism is admirable. What are you working on?

Paul French

Thank you for asking, I'm writing scripts with strong female leads designed for low to middle budgets that can be shot in the midwest. I am writing my script about a woman who is wrongly committed to a mental institution in 1969 by her husband so he can divorce her and control her assets. The new script I'm working on is about a young woman investigating her hockey player brother's suicide that takes her into the darkness of sexual abuse in Jr. A hockey.

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