I have begun to work on the screenplay based on the book I am currently writing. Writing stories or films about Talking Animals is what I am looking for, so I am looking for brilliant friends who share the same interest and who are willing to join forces with me and create something.
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Are you looking for animators or writing partners?
Yes, I am trying to look for both.
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Awesome! I would suggest putting together a pitch document, just a one-page information sheet that would help to inform your soon-to-be creative partner on what it is you've already established for the story, what you bring to the table (strengths/experience), and what you are expecting from them. For your animator, you can hire them outright (post a job here: https://www.stage32.com/find-jobs/add), but you may have to take some more time to find a writing partner.
Did you see this blog on finding a writing partner? I think you'd enjoy it: https://www.stage32.com/blog/6-Steps-To-Find-The-Right-Writing-Partner