Producing : Accepting scripts from Entertainment attorney vs Agent vs Manager by Troy .

Troy .

Accepting scripts from Entertainment attorney vs Agent vs Manager

January 2020, I got THE call from the biggest entertainment agency. Yes, that one. Granted I only had two scripts to my name, my life was going to change if they signed me, Then COVID hit two weeks later.

Since I could not work, I stayed in and wrote eleven more scripts from romcoms to suspense to disaster flicks, lost contact with the agent (I think he was released). Since then, I have decided I don't need an agent at this time. I need a manager.

Do producers accept from managers or is there a pecking order. If so, what is the preferred order? 

Dan MaxXx

Current trend is managers producing their roster of clients; i guess reps realized owning a thing pays more than commission fees. And lots of agents were fired last year and this year

John Ellis

Good points, Salvatore Verini. Sort of an off-topic question: do all ent. attorneys charge to rep someone? Every one I've reached out to has asked for a retainer, or some other fee before agreeing to take something out.

Troy .

Thanks, guys. I have been fortunate so far, save for the COVID shut down.

(In December 2019, I had a mid 6-digit offer for the first installment of "The Money Island" trilogy but I had been tipped off that ___ would be calling so I didn't sign the second round of papers for the offer. Damn COVID.)

Prior, I had an entertainment attorney who is repping me because he believes in my work BUT it took me 3 years to get the attention of someone like him and we wondered if it would be faster with an agent or manager. Now, post-COVID I don't want it to be another 3 years before I get another legit offer.

Cherelynn Baker

Congrats on the offers and keep up the good work!

John Ellis

Thanks, Salvatore Verini. Reaffirms my push to get a manager, rather than an agent or attorney.

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