Introduce Yourself : Nicholas Nazario by Nicholas Nazario

Nicholas Nazario

Nicholas Nazario

Coincidentally there's a show that got picked up by TNT and the story sounds like the written pitch I was sending in the months prior from June on. I actually CHANGED MY PITCH to include a unique signature element- & even had the nerve- and spoke up about this before. I definitely believe Stage32 and its partnered executives are not ethical in their handling of pitch documents. In June I sent the revised pitch to someone Named C. From Z. Big Baller Rainmaker's company. I literally knew this was going to happen it was connected to the same company I was chirping about before. Now to send the link to the article released this morning, and my pitch doc... Remember when they told me other people can have good ideas too- right? Wow. Go back and see if there's fire now, Done tole you there's smoke. They are giving them to their friends to look over because the amazing NETFLIX webinar even said that in REAL Studio PITCH's there's a lawyer present. This must be fish in a barrel for some entertainment sharks, then? Fine. I'm still the secret sauce.

The execs can't buy a clearly hot show in an expanding market? But heir homies show gets the green light with your specific angle. After I change specifically my angle on how this material would be created, and share it with Stage32- this same angle then gets the green light on another similar show? Networks would love me.


Why isn't there a stage 32 studio? Make my show, and see how fast Netflix picks it up. This is stupid. 35 bucks x (X10)..(X20)? Instead -EP my show as a studio on a quick flip. I mean if I'm this would be stupid not to.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Nicholas Nazario! Have you spoken with Jason Mirch about your complaints with the script services? Especially if you have an issue with ethics, we want to know that so we can figure that out:

To address your final concern, I think it makes the most sense that the company connecting creatives and executives stays neutral and impartial, instead of competitive as a fellow studio - or at least that's my summation as to why Stage 32 does not fund/produce its own content. It's a matter of ethics, really, so that members know we are just the platform that connects people and are only interested in improving other people's chances of being successful, not in it for our own gain. Strangely enough, the biggest boon of pitch sessions is getting feedback. People in this industry will ignore you, stop talking to you, or outright talk badly about you behind your back, but rarely will they take the time to let you know what you've done well, much less what you can improve upon. That's really what you're paying for - the insight that cold-calling and working in the industry may never lend you.

But if you sincerely believe that one of the production companies we work with has stolen your IP, then email Jason.

Nicholas Nazario

It's an element that I presented to Stage32. That's clearly in this show. Imagine having a show about King Arthur, lots of people do- anyone can. But you find and trail off on a back story because of a particular angle. Change your pitch to written - & pitch that to Stage 32. Then you see a decent network release a King Arthur show focused on that angle. Within 3-4 months. So you go back, and the executive you sent your pitch to is affiliated with the company producing the King Arthur show. Or a parent company. Not your show idea- but the angle for the medium. It just shows that the information was shared instead of being utilized for a Stage32 member. And it was good. Do you know how many actor websites there are that are scammy? It's probably the culture, and they can't help themselves. Unless this is the 100th monkey island-hopping telepathy, Stage32 members that do pitches should be aware this is not a safe space.

Nicholas Nazario

Also, I just got feedback from a pitch from an agent listed as interested in Sci-Fy - that told me she isn't interested in Sci-Fy. I'm not surprised at all. I have gotten ridiculous feedback. I have been called aggressive in a skype pitch. That was actually a surprise. I'm genuinely excited and inspired because I created a hot ticket and a quick flip with a local studio and I'm essentially told "chill, winston"(LS2SB). really. Fine. I'm an artist, I can be too much at times, I get it. So I went written. It just shows that Stage32 is not keeping things 100, and my unique perspective can add value to the market. I'm exactly who they need to put to the front of the line. But they'd rather nickel and dime you, it seems.

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