I have an opening scene that occurs around 3 weeks prior to present day. I then jump back in time to show something from the past. From there I time jump one year later. What is the proper way to format these time jumps?
What do you want your audience to know and when. An audience can't read your script, so what you make clear for a reader, make equally clear for the audience.
Take a look at the information that is being communicated to the audience in the time jumps and ask yourself if the jumping around is necessary to convey this. If there is a lot of jumping around in the movie it could just become confusing.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. The specifics are these: I open with a scene to grab the audience. From there I switch the tone with a prologue of the main character. At the end of the prologue a super of 13 months later. Shortly after another character references the opening scene as being 3 weeks ago. I’m thinking the only clarification I need is the 13 months later. What do you guys think ?
I'm pretty sure you could use DISSOLVE TO: or simply use SUPERIMPOSE: 3 weeks later.
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Think of how you want to do it visually.
If you want to Supers or white text over a black screen. There is no format as such. Just visual clues you leave.
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What do you want your audience to know and when. An audience can't read your script, so what you make clear for a reader, make equally clear for the audience.
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Take a look at the information that is being communicated to the audience in the time jumps and ask yourself if the jumping around is necessary to convey this. If there is a lot of jumping around in the movie it could just become confusing.
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I would use "SUPERIMPOSE: _______ (one year later, two weeks after, etc.)" to show the time jumps.
I would limit the use of time jumps. A lot of jumping around could confuse readers/the audience (like Ewan said).
Thanks for the feedback everyone. The specifics are these: I open with a scene to grab the audience. From there I switch the tone with a prologue of the main character. At the end of the prologue a super of 13 months later. Shortly after another character references the opening scene as being 3 weeks ago. I’m thinking the only clarification I need is the 13 months later. What do you guys think ?