Composing : Short Drama - Composer Needed by Mara Cracaleanu

Mara Cracaleanu

Short Drama - Composer Needed


I am looking for a composer for a short student drama I am directing, called 'Tempo’, at University of Westminster, London.

The story is about acceptance, openness, emphasising the idea that time flies and that what we have now may be gone tomorrow.

Logline: Havana, a soon to be bride, tries to strengthen the bond between her and her distant father in law, Azmir, before the wedding ceremony.

We need a short music piece for a dance scene between the two characters, the moment they finally connect and strengthen their bond. The song shouldn’t be very long, as the scene is short.

We would be interested in a song highly inspired by African culture, featuring instruments such as bongos, maracas, windpipes, sitar, woodblocks, cymbals.

If interested, please contact me via private message. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

Joel Irwin

IMHO, while a composer can reside anywhere, it could be preferable for you to 'hook up' with one 'near by' perhaps in the UK (see Joanna below). But just as important would be to find someone who has experience with African music. Though if they are not, you could provide them with a 'temp track' of some music you want it to 'sound like'.

Joanna Karselis

Hi Mara, sounds like a great film. Joel is right, the most important thing would be to find someone with experience in African music (and possibly UK based too, but that doesn't sound essential). A reference track/temp track would help people understand exactly what you mean (I'm a little confused by your description as a sitar isn't African so using a musical example would be clearer). It might even work better depending on the scene if you used an existing track as it doesn't necessarily sound like you need custom music, but it does depend on the flow of the scene.

I'd suggest reaching out to SOAS ( and music colleges to see if anyone there would be interested in working with you. RCM/RAM/Birmingham Conservatoire/NFTS would be good places to start. Or you could ask in FB groups such as London Short Film Network, Girls In Film, ask Women In Film And TV and the Alliance Of Women Film Composers to share, post a job advert on here for people to respond to... the world is your oyster!

It's also worth being upfront about whether you have a budget or not so people can assess if they'd be interested or not.

Hope that helps, good luck with the project.

Navid Lancaster

I agree with Joel and Joanna

Mara Cracaleanu

Thank you very much for your replies, agree as well!

Joel Irwin

Joanna - team tag is quite satisfying - especially with no stings. Did I ever mention my personal mission is "I create a loving interactive world through collaboration".

Karen "Kay" Ross

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