Introduce Yourself : Storyteller from Atlanta by Matthew Cornwell

Matthew Cornwell

Storyteller from Atlanta

Hey everyone! Long time member here, and occasional Stage 32 blog contributor.

I am a full-time actor in Atlanta, GA, USA, and I run an audition taping service. The work I'm most proud of, however, is with the Sam Christensen Image Process. We just finished a 4-day workshop with a mixture of actors, a stand-up comedian, VO artists, and more, and the RESOUNDING feedback was "Wow, why didn't I take this years ago?"

The work, developed over 30 years ago by the late Sam Christensen (CD for MAS*H, Clash of the Titans, and more) focuses on how you are perceived by the world vs. your inner perception of yourself. Sounds simple (which is honestly why so many folks put off taking the workshop), and yet time and time again graduates report back how impactful it was NOT ONLY to their CAREERS, but also to their regular lives.

I am deeply passionate about the work, and we offer it not only in-person here in Atlanta, but also over Zoom.

Valerie Michele Oliver

Hey Matthew! Former University of Georgia student. Go DAWGS! LOL! My step-dad and step-mom live in Savannah. He was a character in the novel, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" and I worked as the secretary for another character in the book--that was based on real folks. Some trivia. Good to meet you.

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