Introduce Yourself : Co-Founder and COO of Caprius Films - Producer, Director, Writer, Actor; Co-Founder and Director of the Crystalline Film Festival by Laura Steponchev

Laura Steponchev

Co-Founder and COO of Caprius Films - Producer, Director, Writer, Actor; Co-Founder and Director of the Crystalline Film Festival

Good afternoon, everyone!

This is my first time posting in this lounge, and I'm thrilled to get to know you all a bit better. I am a filmmaker from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and the Co-Founder of Caprius Films, the new independent Canadian film production company.

Through Caprius Films, I produced, wrote, and performed in the award-nominated short film, Reasons. It is a story about a couple finding a reason - any reason - to fight for their relationship! It will have its global virtual premiere soon, and I can't wait for you all to see it!

We are also in the Development stages, bordering on Pre-Production stages, of two other short films that I wrote, titled To My Grave and Proper. The former is sweet and tragic little piece about a young girl who, on the day of her father's funeral, meets an aloof and mysterious woman named Kate, with which she develops an unlikely bond through surprising similarities. It's very near and dear to my heart, and I'm thrilled that it will be my directorial debut.

Proper is an highly ambitious piece; set in Regency England, a young woman named Victoria wades through a sea of eligible young suitors, but none catches her eye like the handsome and mysterious Alexander. It is a proof-of-concept tale of love and lust - and propriety - with an ending that alludes to a dangerous and fantastical secret.

You can read more about both on our company website (

We are also beginning a co-production for a feature film titled The Science of Fear in January 2022, which we are very excited about.

Other than that, I have been working tirelessly with my business partner and co-director, Cesar Erba, in preparations for the Crystalline Film Festival. We are in our first season, and due to Covid-19 it will be held on our virtual platform, from January 3 to 7, 2022, but we are thrilled to have been able to create this opportunity for filmmakers all over the world during this frustrating and frightening time. Please check out our website for more details! www.crystallinefilmfestival.comIf you'd like to submit, you have one more week ~~ check out the full rules and regulations on our website, or go straight to the source!

Thank you for your time, everyone, and I can't wait to learn more about you and potentially work with you someday!!

Pete Borreggine

Welcome Laura! I'm seeking investors as we now have a deal memo with Cindy Villarreal with Majestic Productions, LLC who has an 8 year relationship with CBS/Viacom.

She's now my Executive Producer and I'm the creator, writer and executive producer. We're seeking serious investors / sponsors / in-entertainment branding as our budget it 25 MIL+.

We have greats connected to our project such, Dan Curry, Michael Demeritt, Gary Tachell, Thomas P Vitale, Dorothy Amos, Jodi Ehrlich, Dennis Madalone, and more!

We just need serious sponsors, co-production companies who are FEMALE driven as Project Abaddon is female driven, has more women characters than men, and has a diverse character base with an Asian lead.

If you're interested, or could point me in the direction, I'd be grateful.

NOTE: I met Cindy here on S32 when I pitched my script. I'm also working with Sam Mannetti formerly with Disney+ and Paramount+ as well.

Let's SOAR!

Peter Borreggine

Dale Reynolds

Hello, Laura Steponchev, would you and your people be interested in a six-hander American (or American-like) production of an initial stage play, a political satire (Comic Relief for the Fed-Up)? THE MESS WE'RE IN is set in a country (with just a few interior scenes) that resembles the US, and to many would seem based on real American events and political personalities. Names have been changed to protect the guilty. MESS has the potential of mini-series suitable for Netflix or HBO or the like. I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading. Best wishes, Dale Reynolds

P.S. I have a fine film actor for the female lead role, LOU. Her manager is in B.C.


Philip Sedgwick

Great post, Laura! Full of good vibes, that's for sure. How good? Good enough for me to enter our recently completed short film, JACK OF ALL LANTERNS, into your fest!

Stay safe and well and here's to an amazing festival.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Beautiful vibrations, welcome, Laura! Sounds super promising.

Laura Steponchev

Thank you all for your kind support! It means so much to me! And thank you, Philip Sedgwick, for your faith in us and the festival!! That's incredible! I can't wait to watch your film!

Debbie Elicksen

So great to meet you Laura Steponchev. As a fellow Canadian, I welcome you to this awesome community.

Philip Sedgwick

You are welcome, Laura. Hope you enjoy the film as much as we had making it.

Here's to all sorts of good "caprus" things, including capriciousness as warranted. Success in all you do!

Bryce Thomas

Great website and looking forward to more of your work!

Philip Sedgwick

Thank you to all at Crystalline Film Festival for selecting the short I penned, JACK OF ALL LANTERNS! Our first selection for this eerie little film with Brianna Fogelson and Joel Foster nailing their performances. All on our team are thrilled!

Laura Steponchev

Philip Sedgwick It's our pleasure! What a great piece! Welcome to the Festival!

Laura Steponchev

I wanted to invite everyone to view our short film, Reasons! We've just premiered it on our website, today!

Visit to see it, and learn more about the cast, crew, and project!

Thank you, all, for your support!

Philip Sedgwick

Thank you so much, Laura. Our actors are over the moon!

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