Screenwriting : 40 Minutes? by David Creighton

David Creighton

40 Minutes?

Is there any market for a piece that is 40 minutes long? It's really long for a short, but way too short for a feature.

Craig D Griffiths

If you have filmed it, there are a few festivals.

Bill Albert

It's hard to find good places but if you go through Film Freeway for scripts there are some there.

Michael G Kehoe

David, it would be considered a "featurette". The difficult thing about entering a featurette is that it may only be screened prior to a feature in competition and not in the shorts program block. Most festivals want to get short films below 17 min. My first film went to Sundance and was just at 17 min and was considered a featurette.

Kiril Maksimoski

Are u referring to a script? Scripts measure in pgs, not minutes (yea I know the "rule")..."All is lost" is 25-27 pgs long (two hour movie) "Quiet place" some say is mere 60ish pages script (solid hour and a half movie) have a spec just make it interesting, all those 120-151-172 pagers we see all around are mostly production scripts, no show-offs

If you refer to a movie, say, in my country those mostly end up on TV, festivals or pilot shows...

Dan MaxXx

There is always a market (and paid job gigs$$$) for great finished movies. Not so much short scripts (no money).

Last year's oscar winner for best short was over 30mins. Nobody complained.

CJ Walley

There's an incredibly limited market where writers are lucky to receive any form of payment for their work and unlikely to get much exposure, even if the finished film performs exceptionally well.

This is opposed to putting in a little extra work and having something that appeals to the largest market out there that also pays and will result in relatively more respectable credits (~90min indie films).

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

David Creighton It's called a featurette, though it should actually run between 44 and 60 minutes to reach into that category. There is a growing market for this, as streaming services are not restricted by time slots like television stations or cinemas. Audiences are more than willing to accept shows which run to their proper artistic length rather than being shoe-horned into a running time.

Doug Nelson

David - what do you mean by a 'piece' - would that be a film or a script? Since your question is in the Screenwriting; I'll assume you're talking about a script. It's an awkward size. I have to think you're using the 1 min=1 page estimate which is not really accurate depending on the action/dialog ratio and the scene flow. How tight is it written? I'll brt you dollars-to-doughnuts that I can squeeze it down to 25 pgs or less and make it stronger in the process. Nonetheless, as Shadow mentioned it may fall within the streaming market

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