Screenwriting : My feature film script made the Top 1% of 2021! by Jeff Perreca

Jeff Perreca

My feature film script made the Top 1% of 2021!

So thrilled to learn that my feature film script "UNnatural Talent" placed in the top 1% of 2021.

Thank you to Stage32 and their continued efforts to support Indy screenwriters and filmmakers.

Just background for any writers out there looking for some inspiration. I had hit a pretty low point of writing script after script and not making much headway in the industry. I was either going to quit or double down. I decided to double down and stop waiting for permission to make something.

So I taught myself how to shoot, edit and color. Worked a bunch of jobs to save up and hire crew in places I didn't feel confident in (i.e. cinematographer, composer, sound, and of course, acting).

The film I made was called Talentless, and it was literally about the fork in the road every creative faces. Will you choose financial security over pursuing your dreams (with a pretty big sci-fi bent to it).

That short played in a bunch festivals this year and was named a winner of Stage32's Short Film Contest.

My feature script that placed in the top 1% was based on that short and is currently being shopped around town.

I only write this to say, if you're feeling stuck in a rut just writing and writing, go out and make something. Shoot it on your phone with some WirelessGo II's. Or, find a director who doesn't write and collaborate with them.

I still have a LONG way to go. I'm not anywhere near where I ultimately want to be, but being able to tell my stories on my own terms has made me infinitely happier.

Good luck. Keep hustling. Happy holidays.


Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on this achievement, Jeff Perreca. Thanks for sharing your journey, and great to meet you.

Jason Mirch

Congratulations, my friend! Really well done Jeff Perreca - Like you said, it is a marathon, not a sprint. But you are well on your way!

Joe Thayer

Jeff Perreca Thanks for this - I've been there, decided not to wait for permission and I am in the doubling down phase now - Reading this helps. All the best to you!

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