Introduce Yourself : International Cannabis scholar, filmmaker, biodynamic gardener... by Paul J. Von Hartmann

Paul J. Von Hartmann

International Cannabis scholar, filmmaker, biodynamic gardener...

Cannabis vs. Climate Change: How hot does Earth have to get before all solutions are considered?

I’ve connected some dots that could reverse climate imbalance in time to avoid global extinction. We live in a “If you want to live, farm with me.” moment in history. Cannabis is uniquely qualified to heal Earth’s atmosphere soil water air and wildlife. 

My film can be found on Vimeo. It’s the best I could do on a G-string budget. Find me on Clubhouse at noon on Sundays Pacific Time. 

I’m working on a screenplay based in true stories of high adventure. If I didn’t have photographs & film of it I probably wouldn’t believe most of it.

Tune in for the best news there is: There’s something that everyone can do to heal Earth’s atmosphere. 

I’ve been an international Cannabis scholar for thirty years. I wrote the manifesto for the world’s first Cannabis College in Amsterdam in 1998. My ecological theories are borne out by science & data.

If there is fellowship to be had, that would sure take the pressure off. Jesus wasn’t born on payday. 

I trust the Stage32 family of friends will all have safe, healthy, joyful & meaningful holidays! Much love to you all,


Cannabis vs. Climate Change on Vimeo (1:12:00) Still portfolio Instagram @paulvonhartmann Twitter @PJvH

Angela Cristantello

Great to meet you, Paul and really interesting stuff. Thank you so much for sharing and thrilled to have you in this community!

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