TV Series Pitch Document Writing : GaryTown Elevator Pitch by Seth Nelson

Seth Nelson

GaryTown Elevator Pitch

Thank you for the feedback. Here is a cleaner and shorter elevator pitch for ‘Welcome to GaryTown’:

When a popular podcaster moves back to his rural hometown and discovers his job-hopping childhood friend is living a double life, he must decide whether to go along with the prank, or expose the truth in an effort to boost his career. This feature film is the gateway to GaryTown. After a popular deadhead taxidermist shares his prank with a talk-singing podcaster friend, the results have damaging consequences. A comedic mockumentary style television show and mystery podcast hosted by Matt Zelinski, where fans share crazy “Gary” stories from their own experiences. But just who is in on the prank? It’s ‘The Office’ meets ‘The Truman Show.’

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