Producing : What are your thoughts?! Adaptations… by B. Elaine Dorsey

B. Elaine Dorsey

What are your thoughts?! Adaptations…

A few years back, I had an idea for a film based on a life story to be adapted into a musical. In creating this, I wanted to also include the untold stories. After researching the option rights, I found out the subject sold his life-rights to the studios. The only rights remaining were for stage, and the studios would still have to approve of it. *Sigh

Later I connected with the screenwriter of the film, and he stated several people have come to him with this same idea. He believed it could happen, but he felt we needed a major partner behind it. We were so close; a producer out in New York would have been able to option the rights, but didn’t want to give creative control, and the subject didn’t like that at all.

Fast-forward to 2021, I still believe this project can happen! The main subject of the story was willing to work with me, but he recently passed away. I have some form of contact with his family, but that has been challenging in itself. Some may be against this, but what about writing the story book, sample songs etc. to spark interest? Create something totally different with this story?! Or, move on to something else?!

What are your thoughts?!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Just to clarify - you have the rights to the film, correct? Or the screenwriter has the rights? It's great that you still believe in it, but you don't want to get invested without being officially attached. Otherwise, it's too easy for others to let you do work that they have no obligation to give you credit or money for.

Otherwise, I say take whatever step forward that helps you move the entire project forward. If the ultimate goal is just to get the story out there, then do that in whatever medium is available to you. Writing the book is just as valuable as making the film. No matter what, trust your instinct. It's what separates us from AI - LOL #KiddingNotKidding

Cherelynn Baker

I'm not a fan - though, good luck!

B. Elaine Dorsey

Karen "Kay" Ross Thank you for your response. No, I don’t have the rights and neither does the screenwriter. He was hired by the studios to write the film. I appreciate your advice and it has definitely opened my eyes to new possibilities. You’re Awesome!!

Kiril Maksimoski

Lotta public domain out there with great potential...for example I read Tesla's biography some years back and contacted the publisher...they told me it's public domain now...quite an interesting guy to make a movie about...yes, 'been done before but there's so much more to his life and work than "mad scientist" trope....tackle him right and u have a MC that'll help us survive 21 century....I'd say that's worth the price of admission...

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

If the person passed away - their life story is up for grabs now. They would have had to take specific steps to reserve those rights for their estate, and most states don't permit that. It would take some research, but you don't need their permission after death in most cases.

Dane Johnson

“In most cases” is the key. The estate of a subject who died in California, for example, could claim posthumous rights of publicity for up to 70 years after death. And copyright lasts beyond the life of a creator, so there could be legal issues there depending on what is being used. But it certainly sounds like an interesting project that has already had a lot of creative effort put in. Good luck with it!

Arthur O. Thomas

B. Elaine Dorsey Great question and the best place to start is the US Copyright Office. Good luck and Happy Holidays!

B. Elaine Dorsey

Dane Johnson Thank you for this great information and reminder because I completely forgot about this.

Dane Johnson

My pleasure!

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