Screenwriting : Tips on how to make a good script pitching by Alejandro Marello

Alejandro Marello

Tips on how to make a good script pitching

I wanted to know your opinions on how to make a good pitch. What tips are important, what software do you use, any interesting examples to look at?

Thank you and have a good start of the year

Bill Albert

Personally I think the best thing to remember in your pitch is to stay focused and keep it simple. Have your script ready to read and then go for it. Give the basic story arc you are telling then the major characters that make it happen.

The hardest thing for me was not wanting to give away the secret twists that come in the story, but these are the people that need to know those plot twists. It'll get them interested. I always felt a "I didn't see that coming" response is a good sign.

Remember, they want you to knock their socks off. They want you to give them something they will love.

Go for it.

Khadi Madama

agreed. it's very important to be relaxed but professional, and to impress that you are very invested in your work. most people you pitch to become more engaged when they know you are dedicated to the project and that it isn't slap-dash

Frank Baruch

Bill Albert and Khadi Madama. Fantastic advice!

Angela Cristantello

Hi there, Alejandro! When you can, email and I'd be thrilled to share some materials that could help you with your pitches :)

Kiril Maksimoski

Here's mine pitch from 2019 BFM that got me script requests...

However, the juice is within verbal can write this and that but if your addressing is "I have this idea"...don't expect too much...dwell inside your story, show people ure master of it and no one could tell it better than u...

Alejandro Marello

Angela Cristantello thank you so much!!!

Alejandro Marello

Bill Albert @khadi madama

thank you very much for your advice

Alejandro Marello

@kiril maksimoski

I can't download the picture

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