Introduce Yourself : Sci-fi Screenwriter by Thomas J. Herring

Thomas J. Herring

Sci-fi Screenwriter

I love coming on here and meeting other screenwriters who write different genres. For me it’s sci-fi subjects. I’ve been doing this off and on for about twenty years. I’ve I’m rewriting one right now for probably the hundredth time, at least it feels like it. I’ve used the Stage32 script coverage and got great feedback on what I need to do. I just have to get back on it and finish it out. I hope everyone is doing well on your journey.

Niki Galiano

You'll get it!! I have one I've been working on about 10 years. But I give myself a limit of 3 rewrites (2 re-writes plus one polish), because if you do any more than that, you sort of lose the entire idea of what it was originally about. Because if it's one thing I've learned from optioning a screenplay, it's that the producers will give you notes, and then ask you to change things around anyway to suit their needs. So don't put tons of your own time in trying to make it "perfect." There is no such thing as a perfect screenplay. Just write what you feel is your original idea, submit it, and see what happens.

Robert Russo

Right, dont let "perfect" become the enemy of "good enough" Theres what you write, what someone else wants, what the director films, and what the editor will cut. Sometimes people just buy a concept and hire their own writer to do the script too. Of course, having well written scripts is essential to show your capability but whats perfect to us may not be perfect for someone else. Everyone has opinions.

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