I just can't seem to find this answer anywhere I've looked. I'm working on a limited series and truly believe it is important that a reader know this as they will approach the script differently than they would with a recurring series....Well, at least I would. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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I did put "limited series" on the title page of my one TV script and no one in the biz has complained.
Thanks Eric Christopherson. Good to know!
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Basically no - but I don't think it's a problem except to a few overwound policy wonks.
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I would want to know too! Because if the pilot ends and my thought is that I can’t imagine the story filling 5 seasons of TV, then it’s important to know that it’s not intended to.
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This might be up to who decides to produce your work. A couple guys who might know are John August and Dave Trottier (aka Dr, Format).
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Its good to make your intentions clear so its a good idea. You don't know if your work will be passed on with the rest of the project information when its being reviewed by a company, so making this clear will take the guess work out of it.
Thank you all for commenting and sharing your thoughts on my question. It seems the overall consensus is to put "Limited Series" on the script, which was my initial gut feeling.
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Hey Effie Trihas - I think it's actually a good idea. I don't think that would be harmful, and in many cases (as Ewan) pointed out - It can be helpful.