I've been writing for some time now. Science fiction and fantasy is where I put my stake down, with science fantasy being the most common for me. I've been working on Pantheons for a long time now. This year will be six years and I will say every day, month, or year that passes I get more confident with it.
I've had a lot of amazing feedback here on Stage 32 and I just did the Script Coverage and I'm hopeful that will turn at just as good if not better than before. Jason Mirch encouraged me to be more proactive on here as I tend to be an observer more than interjecting unless absolutely necessary. I figured this would be a good first step in doing so. I posted on her once before and not since as again, I like to watch and see what is happening. Which funny enough won't help me get Pantheons out there and as that is my number one goal in life I should be more proactive.
I don't know how many people know Jason Mirch, but I believe there are quite a few which have had long back and forth emails with him. He is a delightful person and I never thought anyone at Stage 32 would be this hands on and I cannot stress how much it helps. I do honestly hope I get to meet him in person one day.
All that aside, this is the screenwriting lounge and forgive me as I'm a bit long-winded and I get on tangents pretty easily. As mentioned before I'm working on a show called Pantheons. I just finished the seventh rewrite of the first episode and I'm exceedingly proud of my work. The genre is science fantasy and it is a very grimdark world for lack of a better word.
I've done a poor job of exploring Stage 32, but I am going to do better and to start I was wondering if there was anywhere or anyone that would care to read or a place where writers share their stories?
Forgive me if this is the wrong place or I'm way off topic here.
Hey Adam Briggs , you might just post your project title, logline, page count, genre as a separate post and ask if anyone is interested in a script swap. Inside the "writers' room" there is a group that meets monthly to discuss one person's script and you get written/verbal feedback from 4-10 people. Good luck!
Hey Noel Thompson, I don't see where in the Writers' Room this group would be located.
On the landing page after you click the big red writers' room button, scroll down, and there is a mention of Coverage Report, and the email for Lit. I would send him an email and see when the next one is scheduled for. I don't know when the next one is yet. Or also Kay Ross too.
Ah, it was right in front of me. My apologies. Thank you for pointing that out to me.
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No worries! Maybe I'll see you at the next one. It feels like it's been awhile!
Thank you very much. I'm hoping to make it into the next one.
Noel Thompson does it normally take a long time to hear back from Lit? I hope you're having a great day and thanks for any help.