Hi hi! I hope everyone is doing well. Sharing some good news with the community: My script, Patron Saint of Black Girls, made it to the second round of Black Boy Writes & Black Girl Writes Mentorship Initiative. So excited about this dope initiative, as well as honored and excited for everyone who has made it to this stage. Thank you so much Mike Gauyo and Stage 32!
Best of luck to the all the semi-finalists!! Woot woot!! Let's get it!!
Warm regards,
Good work!
Knock 'em out the box, Monique! <3
Good luck, Monique!!!
Thomas Jamieson Thank you!
Jolan Baucum Bastien Jolan!! Thank you!! And same to you, homie!! Congrats!!
DeLaynna Corley Thank you!! And congrats again!!!
That's fantastic news, congratulations!