Your Stage : Looking for producers in England or France | Historical Documentary Project by Jairo Neto

Jairo Neto

Looking for producers in England or France | Historical Documentary Project

We are currently developing a feature length documentary about a Brazilian filmmaker and director that had an enormous career in Europe. A formidable personal story that crosses through decades of filmmaking, from silent movies to the birth of the documentary language, and ends up being tragically derailed by an megalomaniac studio project in his homeland.

We've secured an agreement with Brazil's Museum of Image and Sound and also are currently repped by the law firm Lemos Consultoria.

We are searching for co-producers based in England or France, since we've discovered never before seen footage in these countries. If you'd like to talk and now more, drop a line!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey Jairo, this is Karen from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Producing to Your Stage (for links or promotions), as it fits much better there. But feel free to do another post in the Producing Lounge discussing something you’ve learned, unpacking a topic, or seeking advice. Let me know if you have any questions and all the best to you!

Jairo Neto

Hi Karen "Kay" Ross I'm sorry but I feel a bit confused with the platform. I've seen some similar posts like mine at the Filmmaking / Directing lounge, for instance. Is there any other place where I could post this? It seems like "Your Stage" won't gain traction. Thanks

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