Screenwriting : How To Get Staffed As a Comedy TV Writer For A Streamer by Rashika R

Rashika R

How To Get Staffed As a Comedy TV Writer For A Streamer

The latest Webinar has been a dream of mine since I started my career as a professional writer. Although I've written seems like 100 scripts, TV comedies, drama features, and children's animated series, getting staffed is the ultimate goal. I know that selling shows is where the big bucks are. However, I simply live to write and believe that I can grow as a writer and storyteller if staffed on a show. And I wasn't aware that there was a difference in writing for streamers like Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu.

I'm looking forward to investing my time in the How To Get Staffed As A Comedy TV Writer webinar tomorrow! Spencer Robinson is super talented!

For me, it's more to it than money. It's the love for art, comedy, and storytelling!

Are you interested in writing for streamers like Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu? Why?

Karen "Kay" Ross

That's fantastic, I'm so excited for you, Rashika R!

Rashika R

Hi Kay! I'm up fleshing out questions like waiting up the night before Christmas! lol

Roman BRuni

a) book ' the genious of the system'

b) choose the best scene you've got and make a 3 min short movie. it will enlight you about all the different steps of a movie making endeavour (including how to deal w bad screenplay in the shooting and post editing...

in my experience in the university all writers get fatal frustation when image on screen does not make for image from imagination...

so, your short is not to get an oscar, but to expand perception to be ready to talk to producers and other pro people to REAL make your screenplay to movie.

hope this quest get you where you want to be.

Doug Nelson

Meet and get to know the Producers - that's the only way I know.

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