Screenwriting : IMDB pro by Wayne Cothron

Wayne Cothron

IMDB pro

Is IMDB pro good for screenwriters

I have a couple of actor friends who swear by it, but I worry it won't help get in touch with agents managers or producers

Thanks again for your help

Dan Guardino

You have to try and get in touch with them because they won't get in touch with you.

Ranelle Golden

If you get IMDbPro its a huge benefit because you will be able to get contact info for Producers, Actors, Distributors and more.

Maurice Vaughan

I haven't used IMDb Pro, but I've heard it's a useful tool for screenwriters.

Craig D Griffiths

You need a reason to have it. I maintain my page and occasionally use it to find who did what on a film and get their contact details.

Amazing Kacee

It is a great resource to contact anyone and everyone in the industry. I use it for both researching people who produce the same content as me and use it to get emails and phone numbers for those producers and others. Plus for newbies the first month is free for you to check it out, then is only either $16.99 a month or $125 per year. It is also great for actors as they have casting calls and anyone in the industry as they have lots of job postings! Wayne Cothron Maurice Vaughan

Clayton Dudzic

Any platform the screenwriter can use and connect and network with is an added bonus to his/her career. In this city of LA, even the owner of your local donut shop might, have a family member who is a producer at Warner Bros. It's who you know that builds the bridges to the right persons who want to make your movie.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Amazing Kacee.

Doug Nelson

For screenwriters? No, not really. Oh sure, you can collect a lot of office phone numbers and email addresses but Agents, Managers, Producers, Directors and others in the business have learned about the tsunami of tragically poor quality scripts floating around out there. Finding a worthy script is like taking a sip from a fire hose - so they don't do it.

It does work for industry inside cross communication and it fosters casting calls for the acting world but the harsh reality is that if you're an 'unknown' - you don't exist. It remains an 'in person' industry. I know that hope springs eternal and lightening does occasionally strike. Get out there & mingle if you really want it to happen.

Clayton Dudzic

Thanks Doug, I plan on being known. Not sure where to mingle at, but I do plan on getting creative with that. I could hang out at Warner Bros to begin with :)

J.B. Storey

With all due respect to Doug Nelson, I think the comment is missing the point. IMDB Pro is helpful for screenwriters, contingent on what they are using it for. Cold calls? No. That's probably not likely to move the ball forward. However, it can be important for research. For understanding what production companies and producers have worked on, or are working towards. It helps to identify trends and gives the writer a broader understanding of the industry. It's elementary customer research 101.

You don't build a product, unless there's market demand. And that's probably one of the bigger stumbling blocks for most writers trying to break-in. Understanding that a script is a product. And a product needs a user. But it's not always easy to ascertain what this customer base is searching for. Hence, why IMDB pro can be utilized in a way that can provide key insights and be edifying for writers.

Wayne Cothron

I've signed up from a Stage 32 written pitch, hoping for something positive

Maurice Vaughan

Let us know how the pitch goes, Wayne Cothron.

Wayne Cothron

I've Googled around trying to find producers who are honest, willing at least look at my work, and get back to me.

Doug Nelson

Wayne - I bet you found few/any. Now ask yourself why?

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