Introduce Yourself : LA Horror Movie Creators Group by Carmen Smith

Carmen Smith

LA Horror Movie Creators Group

Hi all. I'm starting a group; the purpose of this group is to bring together like-minded individuals to make horror (and thriller) films. If that is your interest, join us! We will be online only for now (WhatsApp), but once I get to my land in the high desert we will start having in-person meetings. Details? Ciao!

Amber Brown

Hi, I would like some more information about this group. I write in the horror/thriller genre. Please email me at

Paco José Madden

I also write in the horror thriller genre: Please let me know more.

Tony Pham

Oh, this sounds cool!

Joanna Karselis

I'm not in LA but write music for a lot of horror movies, if location isn't a deal breaker I'd love to be involved!

Tristan Hutchinson

I'm not in LA, but I write a lot of horror and thrillers.

June M Rachelson-Ospa

Hi, I'm in Maryland originally from NYC, My Horror Musical is premiering November 2022 at the Outcast Theatre on Whidbey Island. Love to connect with more horror writers

Allen Lynch

Good luck Carmen!

Rolando Joseph Herrera

Sounds fun! I’ll email you!

Seth Lockwood

I’m currently working on a few horror screenplays and polishing them up. I’d love to join your group and contribute.

Stephen Stallone Thomas

Amazing! Yes I will be keen on joining forces - will send over an email

Alexis Weir

Hi, there Carmen Smith that's an inserting and good project you've got going there. I am also into Horror too and others. I'm currently writing a few of them. I have a few stories that I have written. I would like to know more info on this project you are doing. Have a good day.

Lyndon Booth

Is this still happening? I'm be down to join

B.C. Dickey

I'm in NJ but am interested if location isn't an issue.

MaShae Alderman

HI, I just signed up and saw your post. I would love to join the group and connect with like minds.

Mark Thomas Taylor

Sounds exciting! I recently scored my first horror shorts and am loving it

Carmen Smith

Interested people may join our group here:

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