Introduce Yourself : Seeking a feature animation screenplay writer by Frank Detrano

Frank Detrano

Seeking a feature animation screenplay writer

A passion project of mine is currently being reviewed by a development executive and I need someone with professional feature animation screenplay experience to produce a script based on my detailed 14 page treatment.  This endearing action-adventure film about military service animals during World War One has a target audience geared toward family entertainment.  Those who are interested will need to sign an NDA.  If you want to know more about my background, check out the Stage 32 blog appearing Monday,  2/21.  Please contact me at

Billy Kwack

Hi Frank, I seen your video pretty cool

Frank Detrano

Thanks for the feedback Billy!

Cherelynn Baker

Welcome to Stage32 Frank! The lounges and pitch services are great places to practice and get feedback on your project. Be sure and ask questions - let the community know how to help!

Frank Detrano

Thank you for the advice Cherelynn!

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