Animation : Actively looking for someone to distribute an animated movie after it is made later this year. by Shay Villere

Shay Villere

Actively looking for someone to distribute an animated movie after it is made later this year.

Please contact me if you have a history of providing quality help for a project like this. If you would like to see the script, just message me.

Michele Severich

I'm really interested, we can contact each other so I can know about your project

Karen "Kay" Ross

Have you put together a pitch for your screenplay as well? I would highly recommend using Stage 32's free Pitching Guidebook to help you structure your pitch, whether it is a 2-page pitch document, a 5-minute verbal pitch, or a 15-30page pitch deck:

When you're ready to pitch it to distributors, definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potential executives:

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