Screenwriting : Subterranian Cities by Aybüke Günsel

Aybüke Günsel

Subterranian Cities

Hello everyone! I am currently writing a TV pilot that takes place in an underground city but I have trouble setting the rules of this world, the architecture and the possibilities of a life underground. Anyone has any book, article or website suggestions about subterranian cities where I can learn more about these?

Craig D Griffiths

Food, water and power. Just ignore everything else. People will ignore it with you.

Why was water dripping everywhere in the first blade runner film? Only Ridley Scott knows. We don’t care, we just go with it.

Frank Baruch

I would suggest watching episodes from the Cities of the Underworld Tv series. I believe there are a plethora of episodes posted on Youtube. Interesting concept. Good luck with the execution!

Maurice Vaughan

You can also make up things for your city (that are unique to your city).

Robert Russo

You could take it a number of ways. Maybe depending on income/social status people live in areas that are ranging from beautiful "inner earth" with wild life and water falls an glimmering bio luminescent life/trees, all the way to the depths of misery with no light, cramped conditions, scrounging for food and clean water.

The environment would not be uniform throughout. Just take NYC or LA and imagine it under miles of rock with all the same problems and more. If you'd like to bounce more ideas, just shoot me a DM. I actually wrote a horror movie in an underground ancient city so I have some ideas/background in this subject.

Aybüke Günsel

Yes Craig D Griffiths that is exactly what I am trying to make believable, the rest is more up to my imagination but those are the important questions.

Aybüke Günsel

Thanks Frank Baruch , that is great! I will certainly check those documentaries.

Aybüke Günsel

Yes Maurice, I will certaily add some unique characteristics totally up to my imaginations. I guess I am more concerned about the resources, logictics, etc. of the world to make it believable that it can sustain human life.

Aybüke Günsel

Robert Russo those are great ideas! Thank you for the insight. I will be in touch for a few questions.

Aybüke Günsel

Thanks a lot Aaron Vasquez, I will definitely check that one.

Roman BRuni

as you written without, you might as well keep world rules to be solved later w an art director or w the producer. perhaps the very minimum should be 'interior day x night

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