Introduce Yourself : Theatre and Film - An intro by J. Bailey Burcham

J. Bailey Burcham

Theatre and Film - An intro

Hello fellow creatives! Brand new here!

I'm Bailey, a theatre manager and director in LA, and I've recently (and finally) made the pivot to becoming a playwright and screenwriter; something I've wanted to do my whole life.

I know all of the horror stories about career changes, the film industry and screenwriting in general, so I don't need any of those, thanks. BUT I'm extremely interested in the crossover community of the two industries. My scripts tend towards having ties to the world of entertainment (well treaded ground I know). One in particular has received multiple 8s on Blacklist, but with no traction on finding representation. So I'm curious... Is this a crossover that would sell right now? With the rising popularity of musical theatre once again taking it's hold, is this a genre I should keep pushing? Is it even worth my time doing any of this without a manager?

Big questions with many answers, I'm sure. But I'm happy to be here, and I hope you're all doing well and that your art is flowing effortless in these uncertain times.

Much love!

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