Introduce Yourself : Hello from the Philippines by Lovely Joy Yap

Lovely Joy Yap

Hello from the Philippines

Hi, I'm Lovely from the Phillippines, a registered nurse by profession and pursuing my love for theater arts and film on the side.  I'm a theater actor, indie film actor, and voice over actor. Apart from my day job, I sometimes do theater acting workshop/ mentoring young student actors in our community. Pleased to meet you all here on Stage 32. Happy weekend and stay safe,everyone!!!

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Lovely Joy Yap. Glad to have you in the community. What type of stories do you write?

Lovely Joy Yap

Thanks and pleased to meet you. I'm still working on it.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lovely Joy Yap. Ok, I'm looking forward to hearing about your story when you're finished.

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