Introduce Yourself : Producer STIFF PRODUCTIONS LLC by Stephen D Golla

Stephen D Golla


Recently acquired Sheryl Fletcher penned transgressive, crime thriller "SOULESS"

In development working closely with the writer to bring both her and our teams vision to fruition.

Debbie Elicksen

Ooh, that sounds really good. Did you know the writer? I'd be interested in knowing how you approached her. There are a couple of books I can think of I'd like to consider. :)

Stephen D Golla


No, I didn't know the writer.

I had let it be known that we were accepting submissions from first time and/or un produced screenwriters.

I'm always interested in working with and helping developing talent.

We've since been nurturing a working relationship.

I'm in Wisconsin. USA Sheryl is in Canada

John Ellis

Welcome! Does STIFF have a website, where we can learn more about what you're looking for in scripts? FYI, I don't use FB.

Stephen D Golla

Hi John We,

We will shortly. We own our space Will be launching soon.

Kevin-James Corn

How do we submit?

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