Introduce Yourself : Less Work More Network by Renée Brack

Renée Brack

Less Work More Network

Hi there, keyboard comrades, colleagues and friends in the land of script to screen. I'm writing, re-drafting and editing today as well as integrating with the desire to interact here on Stage32. It's a weird time to wrestle with focus. I'm in Australia where we bounce from one extreme to another - fires to floods - punishing rains and the looming reality of WWIII kicking off in the Ukraine. What a time to be alive, to help others and save ourselves.

Over the years, I've noticed a recurring theme in all my various writings and it can be distilled into a single word - freedom. I write about losing it, taking it, giving it and getting it. Now, I'm noticing an emerging theme of power as a percentage and the dynamic of it shifting. If 100% becomes 80%, what does the character do who now has 20%? Another theme is passivity, helplessness struggling with the desire to make a difference. It manifests as saving a snail on a path to doom. I saw one trying to cross a busy road, hot from the sun, traveling as fast as its one foot could slither. So I plucked it from certain death and popped it into a garden. Just making a difference where I can and when I can.

My mother is a big fan of killing snails and weeds in her garden. She pouts when I suggest weeds are just plants caught up in a class war imposed by her. I found some weeds growing in a plant pot of dirt on my balcony and sent her a photo of how well they were doing. She hrumphed me in a text.

[heh heh heh...]

Edyta Niewinska

Hello Renee, I love your rebel and gentle way of seeing the world. It reminds me when I was teenager, maybe I should never lose that? Thanks for your story, I love it. Let’s connect.

Renée Brack

Great to meet you, Edyta and thank you for your words. Writing a few of my own here on Stage32, creatively gives an insight into personality and ways of looking at the world. I think it helps like-minded find each other - not to exclude varying opinions as they make life rich and in writing, conflict for characters. I wouldn't have as clear an understanding of how I see life and the value of it, without my mother's very different attitude to mine. Connecting with you now :)

Maurice Vaughan

Great, inspiring intro, Renée Brack. Bravo for saving the snail!

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