Introduce Yourself : Hej… by Sinéad Daly

Sinéad Daly


Hi everyone - I’m an Irish writer and actress currently living in Stockholm due to the film industry, but mostly I live in London.

I started off acting, but now I’m moving into writing screenplays (naturally…)

I’m studying Writing for Performance with the University of Cambridge, and I’m lucky enough to be mentored by Hollywood screenwriter Tab Murphy, which is really helpful.

I’m working on a concept for a potential drama/ thriller mini-series (think DaVinci Code x Jason Bourne) along with a potential comedy series (yes, a contrast…!)

Stage32 is so great for me, all the webinars are invaluable.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Sinéad Daly. Your Drama/Thriller mini-series sounds exciting!

Uju Odiah


Till Olshausen

Hello Sinéad, I recently finished my script for a feature Action Thriller set in Rome, that is currently being packaged. If you like, please connect. Kind regards

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