Animation : New Animation team - Accepting new projects in June 2022 by Corey Lehman

Corey Lehman

New Animation team - Accepting new projects in June 2022

Hey everyone! my name is Corey I have been involved in filmmaking for many years and recently pivoted to focusing on animation. Our first project is due out in June and our team is a small talented group and we are eager to share what we can do! Check out the kick-starter for the project which is a music video -

Maurice Vaughan

How are you, Corey? The project looks interesting. Looking forward to learning more about the project when the Kickstarter begins.

Corey Lehman

Thank you Maurice! The project is set to launch on April 4th and end May 29th. Funding is meant to match what is already invested. The video will release regardless of funding or not!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Corey. Sounds great.

Bob Harper

Good luck with it Corey Lehman

Corey Lehman

Hey friends, the Kickstarter is live now take a look here>

Mike Boas

Hi Corey. Your Kickstarter pitch needs some work. Everything you have written about your personal journey and the software could be interesting for backers in a production update, but think of the person who doesn’t know you or the music first. (Like me.)The first thing I looked for was a video introduction, which you don’t have. The second thing was a sample of the music, not there— I need to hear what it sounds like to know if I like it. Next is the animation— what will it look like, who’s doing it? How will you spend the money, what are the costs? Then, what’s in it for backers, why should we help? I you need to write it as a sales pitch.

Corey Lehman

Hey Mike thank you so much for the feedback! I have an article written on my website that covers the music sample part you're asking about check it out here:

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