Hi, everybody how's everyone doing just here to know more about the film industry. I would like to share a book cover that I made I want to hear you guys' thoughts on it even though it's not published already
Hi, everybody how's everyone doing just here to know more about the film industry. I would like to share a book cover that I made I want to hear you guys' thoughts on it even though it's not published already
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Hi, Ellison. I like the cover, but I think the title should be centered. The character's black clothes clashes with the background. Maybe change the background. Maybe use a major location from the book (such as a city) as the background.
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Ellison Kk I like the titles off center, actually, and the cover generally. I think it suggests something about the (apparent) subject matter. I do agree there should be some other texture in the background.
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Not bad, not bad indeed. I agree that the background needs a bit of color tweaking. Why not compress the title as if it's being squashed a little. What would happen if you left justified the text and image? Just a thought.
The character pictured looks like a mannequin or doll, not a real-life child. But perhaps that was your intent.
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What do you think common sense Erik
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If a mannequin then I would have included cracks to show the pressure and wear and tear of success on an otherwise pristine face.
looks great Wally!
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I've seen a couple of different version of this, but I like this one the best - we're closer to her face and the distortion on her face supports the pressure she is supposedly under.