Introduce Yourself : Actor looking for family friendly & faith based productions by Francesco Pultro

Francesco Pultro

Actor looking for family friendly & faith based productions

Hello, Stage32 folks. Now that I'm in my "golden" years, I'd love to be involved in more truly nuclear-family friendly & faith-based productions. By "nuclear-family friendly" I do not mean "Hallmark'ish" although I do like most of their stuff. I mean no profanity, no on-screen gratuitious sex, etc. I've heard the same from many of my actor colleagues who are not even religious. Since I already have a reputation as an actor who won't "do" profanity (vulgarity can be very intimidating for on-screen characters), I'm taking the lead for a bunch who would be glad to audition & work for such productions. If anyone on Stage32 is involved in high-quality work (if it's not good who will watch it?) in any area of the production, please let me know. Thanks. Francesco

Sam Sokolow

Hi Francesco - it’s great to meet you here on Stage 32. This is a great community and a terrific way to socialize your work and intentions. I’ve worked on several basic cable productions and always appreciate that we cannot use profanity or gratuitous sex or violence. I think it can make foe a better experience and story. Here’s a terrific Stage 32 webinar on the subject that I found useful -

Rosalie Fisher

I agree and feel the same way, I think there's a bit of a trend toward the "feel-good" theme now. I just finished writing a feature screenplay to write something that I would want to act in, that would make me feel good, and hoping to see it made some day.

Francesco Pultro

Rosalie, agreed. I've been brain storming & have some story concepts that will require fine tuning before script writing. As an actor I'd like to be in a couple of them. At the same time it's more important to me that the projects are well done from a production standpoint than whether or not I'm in them.

Francesco Pultro

Sam, yes. The lack of gratuitous sex, over the top violence and profanity takes a lot of tension out for families.

Also, thanks for the link!

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