Introduce Yourself : Hello again, he wrote by Steve Weintz

Steve Weintz

Hello again, he wrote

Hi everyone; I've been quiet and away from Stage 32 for long and long, apart from some pitching and webinar viewing. Although I'm primarily a writer I enjoy acting and welcome the chance to perform. The world of classic visual effects - matte painting, miniatures, stop-motion, optical tricks - continues to inspire and intrigue me. About a decade ago I made a short demo for a stop-motion limited series and got to play with those old techniques.

For the last 2 years I've been the Lead Writer for and a founding member of the Voiceover Repertory Company ( I've also adapted a classic sci-fi novel (Little Fuzzy) to the screen and am actively pitching it. There's even been a little bit of location-based entertainment work! I'll be back in Southern California after Memorial Day and ready to work.

Maurice Vaughan

How are you doing, Steve? Stop-motion is my favorite animation.

Best to you on your projects. I really like the title "Little Fuzzy."

Steve Weintz

Hi Maurice! I'm doing well, thanks, and thanks as well for connecting!

Alas, I haven't done any stop-motion filmmaking in years; however, while excavating my stuff in storage I found many of the puppets and props from The Lost Hieroglyph demo, and they brought back memories and revived some ideas 8-)

"Little Fuzzy" is not mine, but comes from the author of the original novel. It was his most popular and successful book and it is still well-regarded and fondly remembered.

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