Producing : Help with Budget and Financials by Matt Ip Shaw

Matt Ip Shaw

Help with Budget and Financials

Hey all you wonderful artists! I'm building out our pitch deck for a meeting this week and I was wondering if anybody might be able to help me with developing a budget and financial plan. I've been looking up industry standard rates for Canadian series', but numbers are just not my strong suit. Feel free to respond to this thread or email me directly at


Cherelynn Baker

Hi Matt - congrats on the forward action of the pitch deck. There are some great resources in the webinars here on Stage 32 for step by step pitch deck creation as well as how to make a budget (a couple of different monetary ranges available) - what genre is the pitch deck and where is intended distribution? These 2 items can help numbers!

Ilan Breil

Matt - this is a great way to network and I think Cherelynn is on to something. We have so much to offer, Matt, on our platform in terms of guidance and solutions to help you find answers, but hitting all of our lounges and digging deep with people to get some networking going is the best way to help you find what you're looking for. I am sure the more you ask around and stay relentless... the more answers you will get. Like in the business of Hollywood, you gotta be ruthless and relentless in getting asnwers.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Remember that you have to confirm your schedule before you can build your budget. The divide is typically 20/60/20 Pre/Production/Post, so scheduling your production well is the key to more than half your budget. The other huge expense to consider is your locations.

If you can price out your locations, your cast/crew (over however many days you expect), make sure you include a budget for food, and the price of renting your equipment, it should be a good start. Art department is hard to price too early, so best to give an allowance (no pricing, just a lump sum to cover what you need). If you have any CGI or VFX for your film, talk with a post supervisor about what additional post-production costs you'll need to cover. You could post in the Post-Production Lounge to see if anyone could advise you:

There are some producers who specialize in creating schedules and budgets "a la carte" and could put together something comprehensive for you.

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