Anything Goes : IMDb Pro Tips? by Joanna Karselis

Joanna Karselis

IMDb Pro Tips?

I accidentally signed up for a year of IMDb Pro (expensive mistake!), but now I've got it, I'm wondering how to make best use of it to connect with projects and people.

Has anyone got any tips? Anything specific you've done, or features you've used that have worked well? Any insights appreciated (especially if people have found effective ways of using it without shelling out for the additional Discover features, they've really monetised every inch out of the platform...!)

Jay Johnson

I did the free trial and had no luck finding anything, really, the indexing was totally discombobulated, i.e. there were no effective search terms as far as I could figure out, so I discontinued it. Big help, right? :-)

Troy .

I use IMDb Pro to do due diligence on people I'd like to work with. Since you are a musician, it could be helpful to find those who provide songs for film. At the very least, you could have your music in other hands for future projects.

Joanna Karselis

Jay Johnson Good to know it's not just me, so it is helpful, thanks!

Joanna Karselis

Troy . I actually write film scores rather than providing songs but that's an interesting thought, I could definitely contact some music supervisors. Thanks for the idea!

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