Anything Goes : Do you watch indie films with no name cast by Raquel Deloatch

Raquel Deloatch

Do you watch indie films with no name cast

I recently launched free to watch Seven Clubs TV- online and Roku channel. I license films from independent filmmakers. I been in some groups and it always been discussions about larger budget films with known cast. I wanted to know , do you watch independent films? If so how many a month or average a year?

Maurice Vaughan

I watch independent films. I'm not sure the average. I plan to watch more independent movies. Hope this helps.

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Yes. I watch them. The story determines if I watch it or not. 8-12 a year.

Rutger Oosterhoff

... Sometimes big names even distract, but you need them to get the whole thing financed.

Doug Nelson

Yes but I live in the land of shorts. When it comes to indie FL films, I tend to stay away. They usually bore me to tears within the first few minuets so I hit the 'bail out' button.

Raquel Deloatch

Yes Rutger, I watched indie films all the time. When I lived in NY I loved going to the theaters to watch. And of course in the era of the video store, I loved finding little gems. In groups with filmmakers they consider indie films crap which is shocking. It as if they feel they have to compete with million dollar studio budgets. No life support.

Rutger Oosterhoff

I would say a film is a film, it's good or bad no matter what.

Rutger Oosterhoff

About your online platform Raquel, is it open for short movies if you like them?

Debbie Croysdale

I regularly watch Indies, your channel sounds awesome.

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