Does anyone have a sample contract for full product integration I can look at? I kid you not both of our investors fell through within a week due to a car wreck and another in the ER (not from said car wreck) - why does everything happen to me <------bad joke.
Sooo I'm approaching this differently now as my cast and crew are ready to get going. I want to approach corporate sponsors now first and I have a good grasp on how to pitch it and have even figured out how to incorporate certain ones into the story. Laying eyes on a contract will help me feel more confident in this strategy as I know how business works, they're gonna wanna know the boring nuts and bolts.
Any info, help or guidance is appreciated.
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Hi Cannon,
I'm not sure I fully understand the question - do you mean, product placement? Are you looking for a contract so that you get a corporation to provide financing, with product placement ( aka advertising like Audi did for first Ironman) in your indie production?
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I will have some product placement where it's just the product no funds (ie PBR in the bar). So yes seeking a contract more geared toward the corporation providing the financing with the guarantee of xx amount of screen time and the logos in the credits.
I have to admit, if I saw Ironman with my cute son or I pawned it off on my husband to watch with him. I'm not big on action flicks.
Anyhow, I kind of want to see how the agreement looks when asking for up front money. But that link you attached is better than anything I've found. Thank you!
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Speaking from experience, unless you have stars attached and a sizable budget along with a strong track record, product placement is a waste of your time. True, I've broken this rule and raised some indirect funding (airline tickets, hotel stays, food bills, etc.) this way, but it was under unusual circumstances which rarely apply to the average filmmaker. Norm Marshall & Associates in L.A. handles a good share of the product placement for the big boys.
My director has experience in product placement so I feel pretty good about that. However, one industry veteran suggested the full product integration route which makes a lot of sense to me and actually sounds fun to rewrite a scene or two. Funny, after I posted this I heard from both financiers - one will be back in "work mode" (out of the ER) and the car wreck one who was okay, but had backed off suddenly checked back in, which is great. He still doesn't want to be the first money in. Same with Arclight and GVN. It's that ancient pickle. So we got lots of second money. We have all talent LOIs except the female lead - we wanted money in hand to make a great offer to a bankable name (we have a few connections I'm excited about), but I'm thinking you're right, we need to just get that locked in first.
Thanks so much,, Colette "ByFilms" Byfield Have a great week!