With the ongoing attacks on ethnic history in America, and change in general. Do you think screenwriters can have an impact on political thought? Nonpartisan plots for example can expose each side of an issue while educating and entertaining at the same time.
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Politics has never been more divided. Never at any other point in human history have we had access to more technology, connectivity, and information. The assumption is that we should all be very well informed.
The issue is that these same platforms are being successfully used to target people in the most exploitative way possible, through negative emotions, mainly fear and anger. It's very easy to trigger people with these gaming tactics and insert whatever narrative, disinformation, or misinformation is desired. Instead of celebrating diverse and unique natures, people are being more tribal, seeking to congregate in safe echo chambers and content to focus their emotions, problems, and issues on those at the opposite end of the spectrum.
So, to answer your question, unfortunately, no, I don't think writing can have an impact on political thought - the intended target audience will be deaf. Just look at the reaction to Don't Look Up . . .
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First & foremost - screenwriters (including Producers, Directors, DPs, Editors and everybody else in the mix) are entertainers. They are not Preachers, Teachers or Dictators.
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I do think that writing can have an impact on political thought. But think that writers need to be on board to make that change. Science Fiction, horror, and fantasy have always planted seeds that cause people to see things just a little differently. Movies like Get Out is a great example. Unfortunately, there are those people who are racist and won't go see that kind of movie because of the people involved. That's why it's so important that all writers, no matter what race or religion, embrace diversity and acceptance in their stories.
I remember when Dead Man Walking came out. It was such a controversial movie. I had my "set in stone" ideas about the death penalty. That movie made me really stop and think about the issue, to deeply consider the opposing side. I can't say that I changed my mind, but my ideas were challenged at a foundational level.
So yes, I think writers can make a difference. I think it's important to try.
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Deborah - You are one of those clear thinkers we need more of - Thank you for your insightful comments!
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Deborah - Yes writing CAN have an impact on political thought, but SHOULD it?
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The answer is... yes as long as they are telling a human story and not descending into political or social polemic, which by definition is propaganda, not art. There is of course the format of documentary still, but the same still applies.
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Yes but the screenwriter better do more than write pages!
David Simon, I think, makes a statement on every show he creates while entertaining. The Wire is my top 3 show.
Simon's new show "We Own this City" is about cops selling gun (main plot) and dives deeper into current social issues
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Correct people in our profession are not Preachers, Teachers or Dictators. They are however thought influencers.
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Our impact on the public should fair and balanced.
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Dan MaxXx
You hit my point precisely. Storytelling is simply telling the truth with facts to back it up. Detroit for example was destroyed in the 70s by hundreds of drug dealing taxpayer-funded cops. No one would ever believe that kind of thing. However, a true story is one of the few ways truth can be revealed. Those actions resulted in a generational distrust for Detroit cops. Can you see how important the whole truth (roots and all) is? "Killing Detroit" my true mini-series screenplay accomplishes that.
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Screenwriters can have an impact on political thought, the same for poets, painters, etc. Scripts have themes, which are messages. After people watch a movie, they reflect on the theme. If they watch something with a political message, their political beliefs could be changed. We, as screenwriters, can write political messages and do it in a way that's entertaining.
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Doug - I like what Christopher said about writers being "thought influencers" I believe we can influence people to think. That's it. I taught a research essay writing class at a college. Many of my students told me that they learned so much by researching both sides of an issue. "Eye-Opening" was a favorite phrase. There's nothing wrong with writing eye-opening stories.
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My goal is to be an objective storyteller presenting both sides of an argument without conveying a heavy-handed message. This is what a reader said about my screenplay The Meteor, a story about the 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing in 1963.
This is a wonderfully moving retelling of the story of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing of 1963, taking a deep look at some of the characters involved and giving an almost unsettlingly unbiased account. The script doesn't ever lecture the audience in any way about right and wrong, just provides characters and context and lets them come to their conclusions – it's a subtle difference, but it's one done incredibly well and should be respected. We feel your script is one of the best specs out there.
~ Matthew Toffolo, Wildsound Feedback Film and Screenplay Festival.
This type of feedback is how I know I've accomplished my goal.
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I would like to think that I do this in some way with my writing (probably kissing my own ass). I think if we show situation in cold clinic reality without beating people over the head with a message, we can make them reflect on a situation. Hopefully they see a flaws in their own behaviour and change.
People change for one of three reason. Suffering, Jealousy or dissatisfaction. If we can make people feel one of these things with a situation, they will work to change it.
Phil, the only part of your comment I may disagree with “both side of the argument”. Sometimes, one side is so well represented that it doesn’t need the support of a story. I will talk purely about myself so no one can get angry. Should a story showing the behaviour of the film industry towards woman as being less than great, also show the struggle (no matter how small) of a 58 year old white guy is having? Or would that water down the good being done for an under represented group. Do we need the POV of a bigot? If both sides are valid and only disagree on approach, then perhaps.
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Storytelling is an educational tool. We tell stories to teach others important lessons in life. A good story proves a thesis by showing a plausible set of events taking place that captures the recipient's attention.
If you're not saying something profound, you're not telling stories.
Art is medicine for the mind. That's why people crave it.
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WOW! Storytelling is an educational tool... what a great statement. Without this key element, our work lacks any real meaning. Thanks, CJ!
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It's not like drama is going to lead directly to policy change (at least not very often), but it can be a good first step in making people change their minds or question their own prejudices. I can recall being influenced as a kid by certain Twilight Zone and original Star Trek episodes that would take on the hot social topics of their time in a sly way that evaded the censors. See, for example, the episode, "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield," from the third season of Star Trek.
Thanks Ed I’ll be sure to watch that episode.
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Christopher, I really DO believe screenwriters and TV writers can impact political thought. (At least they can get the ball rolling.)
I keep thinking about how writers/producers/directors like Spike Lee, Norman Lear, Bud Yorkin, Larry Wilmore, and Jordan Peele have been able to get through to audiences with stories whose characters show the same anxieties about social issues as do TV viewers and moviegoers themselves. For these big names, it's all about entertaining the audiences first...then giving those audiences the real message(s), the message(s) that can influence political thought.
Thanks for posting...and all the VERY BEST to you! Glad you're here on 32!
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Many films are based on propaganda, political views and personal agendas. That's why film is such a powerful medium. Dictators, such as Hitler (Triumph of the Will), recognised this and used it as a weapon. Writers and Producers can swing this creative form in any direction they want (hopefully towards peace) but it does come with ethical consequences one way or another for the writer.
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Yes, Goran - We need to move things in a more ethical and respectful direction. Debate is what made this a great nation and we can never leave that fact behind. Movies produced that show differing views represent healthy debate and most of all good movies get viewers talking to one another. I have witnessed a number of moral and ethical debates concerning the series Squid Games. Those were good healthy debates that our profession can take credit for.
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My focus in this area is to show although people have different views of what will lead to a good outcome (in whatever given situation), it doesn't mean they can't have a mature discussion - which could possibly lead to a better outcome than either previously envisioned. And it doesn't mean either side intends harm to anyone else. I hope my characters represent this. We're stronger, better together. And it's a shame I have to wonder if I'll be attacked for just making this statement.
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Cara these attacks should never be countered only embraced. For example the next time someone gives you the finger in a traffic situation. Wave hello at them and smile broadly. This helps them see the error of their unfriendly ways and it will completely reduce your stress level to zero. Our job as screenwriters is to smile and wave to our audience that's what makes good movies. We are all actually the same deep down inside the problem is most people haven't discovered it yet.