On Writing : Looking for help getting the message about my new book "out there"... by David E. Gates

David E. Gates

Looking for help getting the message about my new book "out there"...

Not sure if you guys will be able to help, but I seem to be having very little response to my new book release, Cinema. Despite radio and newspaper interviews, and publishing the details on social media, and here, sending to every film magazine for review and continually pushing it every chance I get, it just isn't getting noticed.

Any chance you guys can share the attached via your networks? Really at a loss as to what else I can do as cannot afford the cost of direct advertising. Never had this issue with any of my other books... Seems strange...

Thanks in advance for your help/advice. Much appreciated.

David E. Gates.

David P Perlmutter

Hey David E. Gates, I’ve featured 100’s of books on my blog, (over 815K page views) and just added Cinema, http://davidpperlmutter.blogspot.com/2022/08/cinema-by-david-e-gates.htm... also, if you’re on Twitter, I’ll tag you in and tweet to my 70k followers. Hope this helps. Plus, I’m part of the LOUNGE CREW team on Stage 32, so be good to see you over there as well as the authoring page! Good luck!

Mark Millicent

It's hard David - damn hard!

David E. Gates

Thanks David P Perlmutter - that's very kind of you... I'm amazed how little interest it's got... Even sent a copy to all the movie magazines for review... Not one featured it... Appreciate you spreading the word. Thank you.

David E. Gates

Mark Millicent - It is, but I've never known any book of mine not to get any sales/interest... Some will obviously get more than others, but to have such a subject matter as this not get any is quite astounding for me.

David E. Gates

Thanks for the thoughts @Maximus. Unfortunately, I have zero budget for advertising. And, based on experience, advertising brings very little return on investment unless it's a sustained campaign running over several months and costing £1,000's which I simply don't have. The book has been featured in the local paper, on radio and across Twitter etc., and here. I write because I want to and because I know the joy that people have gotten from my writing. The people who have read it loved it. I'll think about the "subtitle". Although memoir is pretty much what covers it. Thanks.

I used to work for Microsoft. Apart from being in the same room with 5,000 other people, that's as close as I got to Bill.

Mark Millicent

Ha! David sounds like we are a similar age - similar background and on looking over the first few pages maybe have published a similar book! --I will buy a copy!

David E. Gates

@Mark Millicent, that's great!! Thank you!!!

David P Perlmutter

Hey Mark Millicent just added FIZZY DAYS AND PLASTIC MONKEYS to my blog http://davidpperlmutter.blogspot.com/2022/09/fizzy-days-and-plastic-monk... if you are on twitter, I’ll tag you in, let me know!

Mark Millicent

That's very Kind of you David -yes I'm on Twitter, a liitle- not a lot! @markmillicent1

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