Has there ever been a movie theater like this? The chairs would swivel and the sound experience would be out of this world. I've had this idea in mind for at least a decade. I sketched this year's ago, I was going through my things and found it in my "ideas binders". Just thought it'd make interesting conversation?
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Talk about a fun cinema experience! Not seen something like this before, but love the idea!!!
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Hey Thanks Matt! I'd like to think so too. It is different, and you haven't seen anything like this either? I was thinking something like this could very well ignite a resurgence to movie theaters?
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Actually, the ancient Greek Amphitheatres were somewhat shaped similar to this. Standing on the shoulders of giants so to speak.
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Tommy Luca Essentially looks to me like a variation on the planetarium experience, though those seats recline and don't pivot. Might be interesting, but it does require a ton of development on both production and projection hardware. Having said that, the current development of high-resolution LED screens and the software that runs them, though expensive, is coming of age. Possibly time to put effort into development. It would definitely require a special kind of format and story.
Sounds like it would be a fun theater experience, Tommy Luca.