Introduce Yourself : Happy Saturday! by Devin O'Neill

Devin O'Neill

Happy Saturday!

Hello folks, my name is Devin O’Neill. I’m a children’s author here in Montana. I’ve written several picture books and middle-grade adventures that I believe would translate well to the screen. Yes, more on that later. I’m on the 11th rewrite (could be 12) of a sitcom pilot—a shout out to Stage 32 for connecting me to a terrific agent on your script coverage service. We’re getting close.

All the best out there, and Happy Writing.

Christopher Wells

Oh those rewrites can be so...what's the word I'm looking for? I've been there so many times. Do you self publish or do you have an agent for your picture books?

Cherelynn Baker

Hi Devin - oooh, rewrites. Like a chance to look in the mirror again and again for reflection on how to tweak the story. Keep up the good work! Keep writing!

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Devin O'Neill. Your TV show ("DROPPED UP") sounds fantastic.

Devin O'Neill

Thanks to everyone. I appreciate the support!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Devin O'Neill.

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