Introduce Yourself : Back for more! by Tennyson Stead

Tennyson Stead

Back for more!

Happy weekend, Stage 32!

My name is Tennyson E. Stead, I'm a writer, director, and script doctor, and I do a lot of blogging for Stage 32. My most recent post is on how to avoid getting scammed by Hollywood, and how to make the negotiating process work for you without overlooking the needs of others:

I've got another blog releasing on the 24th of May, called "Branding Yourself Without Breaking Yourself!" Taylor C. Baker calls it "Awesome!" Check back in on Tuesday for that one!

I've also been keeping a video blog to detail my process, my habits, and my struggles as a filmmaker who's looking for financing, developing my role in the industry, and at the same time who is making a living through my contributions. Click here for the watchlist:

What am I up to? I'm working on the financing for a sci-fi feature called Quantum Theory, which you can download and read here on Stage 32. I'm developing a super fun space adventure property for kids and the young at heart, called Jump Rangers. Right now I'm building it as right a TTRPG and as a young adult novel, I'm looking to hire concept artists and designers for the game! This week I'm ghostwriting writing a biopic for someone who did crimes in their youth, and which I will say no more about than that!

If people are looking to "network" with me, you can always find me here or on my Discords:

For 8 Sided Films questions:

For questions about Jump Rangers:

Happy "Introduce Yourself Weekend," Stage 32! Stay healthy, and stay productive!

The New and Improved 8 Sided Blog
The New and Improved 8 Sided Blog
In this blog, writer and director Tennyson E. Stead shares the challenges, the lessons, the development process, and the people behind the films and work of ...
Cherelynn Baker

All need advice on avoiding getting scammed in general ...keep up the good work!

Tennyson Stead

Thank you for the kind words, Cherelynn Baker! I'm not going anywhere!

Maurice Vaughan

Looking forward to the next blog, Tennyson Stead. You always have some terrific advice to give.

Tennyson Stead

Thank you, Maurice Vaughan. This one's a hum-dinger!

Henry Lenga

Nice thanks alot and looking forward

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Tennyson.

Kwame Agyapong

I haven't read your blog but will look for it. Thanks for sharing.

Vital Butinar

Cool Tennyson Stead! I'll have to check out your blogs. I'm really sad that I didn't have much time these last couple of months!

Tennyson Stead

Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone! I'm here to serve!

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