Introduce Yourself : Fantasy and Superhero TV Writer's 'Hello!' Post by Samuel Tracton

Samuel Tracton

Fantasy and Superhero TV Writer's 'Hello!' Post

Hello, everyone! My name is Sam, lover and writer of fantasy and superhero tv. I've got a couple of kickass pilot scripts, my personal favorite being my pirate/fantasy/political epic BEYOND THE BLACK HORIZON, which has received RECOMMEND ratings both from WeScreenplay and here at Stage 32! Also got some cool art for the main character.

It's nice to meet you all! I'm here looking for managers, agents, executives, anyone that can help me advance my career. Hope we can all kick ass together! :)

Natlie Pitt

Sounds Fantastic! Welcome Sam, it's lovely to meet you.

Samuel Tracton

Thank you, Natlie! It's a pleasure to meet you too!

Always great to meet another fantasy writer. Aragon of Wars sounds awesome!

Maurice Vaughan

Great to have you in the community, Samuel Tracton. Congrats on getting the Recommends. Great script title and artwork!

Samuel Tracton

Thank you, Maurice! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Samuel Tracton. Who did the artwork?

Samuel Tracton

An artist I know on Deviantart called nytemarezero300. He's fantastic!

Maurice Vaughan

Cool. Thanks. I've been on Deviantart before. The artwork for "Beyond the Black Horizon" remembers me of Ruby Heart in the fighting game "Marvel vs Capcom 2."

Samuel Tracton

Sweet. I will admit I don't know that character, but a preliminary Google search tells me she looks awesome. Though, the primary influences I was drawing from for Shado Mourne's (the Black Horizon's captain's) look were Elizabeth Swann from "Pirates of the Carribbean" and Mirajane Strauss from "Fairy Tail".

Maurice Vaughan

I can definitely see the Elizabeth Swann "Pirates of the Caribbean" influence, Samuel Tracton. Do you just have the pilot and artwork done, or do you have a treatment (bible) and pitch deck to go with them?

Samuel Tracton

Just the pilot and artwork at the moment. I am working on the pitch document but using the guidelines provided in the 'Stage 32 + Netflix Present: Television Pitch Workshop' webinar. But that's more about putting everything on the page, as I know where the show is going for several seasons.

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