I've been working away on TV pilot scripts for a year now but don't have anyone in my network who could offer genuine insight. Wondering if anyone would like to swap scripts for some feedback before I start my journey towards representation.
We can swap if you like I have a 91 page script "The Gavel." If your pilot is sixty pages, you can read the first 60 pages of "The Gavel."
I also have the pilot for that movie, but feels no good yet, it doesn't have the slow burn setup I feel a pilot should have; sure, enough action but also a slow setup of characters, and conflict is needed, leaving much open, to be played out in next episodes.
Rutger Oosterhoff I would be interested in reading. I am currently writing roughly 30-40 page pilots so perhaps I could have you read two? I don't mind if the page count is a little imbalanced. I'm currently punching up a draft of my latest script, would you like me to send you them in the next couple of days?
Maurice Vaughan Fantastic. Thanks for responding, I'm interested in the sound of that. As I said to Rutger, I am just punching up a current draft. Would you be happy for me to reach out in the next coming days?
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Hi Jack,
We can swap if you like I have a 91 page script "The Gavel." If your pilot is sixty pages, you can read the first 60 pages of "The Gavel."
I also have the pilot for that movie, but feels no good yet, it doesn't have the slow burn setup I feel a pilot should have; sure, enough action but also a slow setup of characters, and conflict is needed, leaving much open, to be played out in next episodes.
Best, Rutger
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I can swap scripts with you, Jack Walsh. I have a Fantasy/Comedy pilot (animated kids TV show).
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Rutger Oosterhoff I would be interested in reading. I am currently writing roughly 30-40 page pilots so perhaps I could have you read two? I don't mind if the page count is a little imbalanced. I'm currently punching up a draft of my latest script, would you like me to send you them in the next couple of days?
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Maurice Vaughan Fantastic. Thanks for responding, I'm interested in the sound of that. As I said to Rutger, I am just punching up a current draft. Would you be happy for me to reach out in the next coming days?
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Sure, send them to roosterhoff@outlook.com
Cheers, Rutger
Well, some writer-guy says you dont need rep.
That's fine, Jack. My email is storytelling200@gmail.com.
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Hi Maurice Vaughan, I have emailed you
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@Rutger Oosterhoff I have also emailed you
Thanks, Jack Walsh.