Screenwriting : Film reel by Tiffany Wade

Tiffany Wade

Film reel

What kind of reels does executives look for in a pitch?

Lucky Rathore

I also want to know that.

Amman Mohammed

The kind you want to do?

Doug Nelson

I guess that I'm to old to understand your question. Way back during the Jurassic era when I was active; generally my Agent set up pitch meetings or occasionally I would arrange a meeting if & when I met a recognized mover & shaker in the right setting. We never had no stinkin' 'reels'. As writers all we ad was a leave-behind - a page or two summary. Go/no-go decisions were based on our presentations and that. Simple.

The only folk I know of even today who have sizzle reels are Actors (for Casting Directors), Cinematographers (to demonstrate technical prowess) or Directors (to demonstrate their vision ability's).

So what the hell is a writer's reel?

Amman Mohammed

Hollywood is going through a phase designated (get a load of this) "Post-modern Hybridism." It's not Classical or Golden, or if you prefer, Jurassic.

John Ellis

As a screenwriter, Tiffany Wade, it's not your job to put together a reel or deck, that's the producer's job. Despite what your hear here and elsewhere about writers doing this (and you hear it alot!) - it's not your job!

At best, when an agent, manager, producer, director, whoever, asks this of a writer, they're trying to get to know you, build a relationship. I submit that building relationships is better served by getting to know people first, before you present your work.

At worst, these people wanting you to do a deck/reel are lazy, trying to get free effort out of you, and probably don't have real connections in the first place.

Tiffany Wade

Thank you John. That answers my question!

Amazing Kacee

Tiffany Wade First off do not, not do a deck, I have pitched my series to three network executives and they have all asked me for a deck so do one. For a reel you really do not need a reel unless you are doing unscripted then a reel and a deck is mandatory!

With that being said, is your script already written or are you trying to sell your series idea using a deck. Please make sure you know the difference between a pitch deck and a bible. as they are NOT interchangeable and serve two different purposes. I totally disagree with @Dan as people sell their scripts all the time without knowing someone so do not buy into this BS. @John he is completely wrong about Decks you need one to sell your content. Best to you!

Christiane Lange

I have been asked for decks countless times. Sometimes people want to see the deck before asking for the script. Other times, they want the deck after reading the script so they can pitch the idea to others.

Sizzle reels are a different matter. Nobody has ever asked for one of those, and they strike me as a lot of effort for little gain.

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