Financing / Crowdfunding : - thoughts? by Cannon Rosenau - thoughts?

Anyone use this paid service to help get your film funded and if so what are your thoughts, comments, outcomes, stories, and or experiences with it?

Amman Mohammed

No way.

Cannon Rosenau

No way as in don't use it or no way as in you haven't used it?

Amman Mohammed

Both. Sorry... :)

Cannon Rosenau

Haha, Can you elaborate on why not?

Amman Mohammed

The website is about "financial advisory" and ranking "financial advisory firms." A Financial Advisor is someone who gives advice and guidance to you about your money matters for which you have to pay. That sounds a lot like having nothing to do with funding or producing a movie. When I looked for 3 words - movie, film, cinema - there were none. ZERO. Ergo... No way.

Cannon Rosenau

That makes sense. I found a couple of private investors who have a track record of investing in film, but you're right they aren't specifically just film investors. Our 2nd in investor is in the private sector (rich as crap apparently) so it's not unusual. I was just wondering if the site was worth a try. Sounds like not! Thank you so much!

Gerell Small

Cannon Rosenau have you tried crowdfunding? I sent submissions to couple sites waiting to hear back from..

Cannon Rosenau

Not yet Gerell Small Keep me posted on your experience though! Because I may try too.

Kiril Maksimoski

Like paying to get money? No...I like the old fashion way, like making stuff to earn money...

Amman Mohammed

Speaking of investors, Ms. Colette, can you help me find an investor/ to make a new type of lens for filmmakers? It's a vignette lens but some people prefer the term "peephole" lens.

Cannon Rosenau

You guys have all been super helpful. I think the site reminds me a bit of Slated as in you can find people you need for your project (except Slated is entertainment centered), however, Slated is free up front (backend fees can apply if your project gets made through them). A lot of the investor profiles I tried to research based on their profiles seemed out of date when viewing against their linkedin.

Yes, the one 2nd-in investor comes through my casting director and he's to work with, but if we find the 1st commitment, he'll be easier to pin down. But that's the problem, no one wants to be 1st in.

Soooo in my head I keep singing the very applicable song "Keep trying, keep trying, don't give up, never give up" (from Yo Gabba Gabba lol).

Amman Mohammed

OK, will do.

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