These past few weeks, I’ve seen several people in this forum looking for someone to co-write or adapt their book or concept into a screenplay. Furthermore, I’ve heard dozens of people say, I have the best story for a movie. I know it would make millions. If someone would only write if for me. I equate that to saying I have an excellent idea for a pretty new color for my house. If someone would only paint it for me. Here’s a novel idea, why not take a crack at yourself? When I wanted to write a teleplay, I bought a how-to screenplay writing book, Final Draft software, and then watched a half-hour tutorial on youtube. A week later, I had a 63-page first draft teleplay. And I made plenty of mistakes, such as improper and overuse of the parenthetical and spoon-fed exposition. But that’s to be expected. However, I had crafted a solid storyline with plot points, beats, an inciting incident, reversal, and a clear beginning, middle, and end. So, for aspiring storytellers, get off your creative butts, put some work in, and you might amaze yourself. Here’s a link for an introductory lesson on using Final Draft 12. Now go forth and create!
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Not that I'm a control freak but I wouldn't want anyone else writing my ideas. I have a trilogy of books (on my laptop rather than out in the real world), 1930s private detective (yes, I think Raymond Chandler is an amazing writer) which I want to convert into screenplays...on my to-do list with various other ideas for scripts.
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Phillip, thanks so DARN much for posting this!
After all, if WE ourselves don't get out there and write what we'd like to see on TV, online, and in theaters, nobody else will. (Well, that's what I like to think!)
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thanks for inspiring me!
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Like bad guys in movies say, "If you want something done, do it yourself." :)
I understand if a person isn't physically able to write their idea into a script or teleplay (or if they have some other major reason). Then, it's a good idea to get someone else to write their idea.
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Employers pay for the execution of an idea.
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The thing I enjoy most about these people is their complete lack of appreciation of the screenwriting process and the craft and skill needed.
They have had an idea sitting on the toilet. It has stuck in the void above their shoulders and they convince themselves are a genius. Then they ask us writers if we would love the honour of spending a year with these intellectual vacuums for a percentage of nothing.
The others to void like a ticking bomb is the “I have a (treatment, rough draft, synopsis) and I just needs someone to punch it up”.
I know I am preaching to the choir. But an idea is worthless. I have so many I don’t even write them down anymore. They are so common they are annoying. If only someone would write them all into screenplays for me I’d give them a percentage.
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Craig: I'm 57 pages into a new script I'm writing based on a director and his partner's 42-page treatment. It's an enormous amount of work shaping the narrative and long expository monologues into a professional script with ping-pong dialogue with a nice flow. But rather than rewrite their story and have them unhappy with what I do, I'm giving them the story they created and will let them sort out what works or doesn't.
craig you are absolutely right but today I learned an editor in England is nominating me for a Pulitzer!!! and I learned to read when I was 2,. i'm tired of spending money for script contests. hope to read more of your ideas.
Phil, a director has some credibility. But the people I am talking about are delusional. The director knows the effort involved and appreciates your skill. Hence they asked you. My people are willing to have anyone do it.
Rachel, we’ll done. That is a huge thing. I’d have that tattooed on me.
I am opposite. Didn’t learn to read or write till very late. I am going to use your news (LOL). “I was chatting with someone who was nominated for a Pulitzer”.
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Craig, I totally agree. That's why I wrote this post.
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and it only took me 30 years to have 52 stories published in lit mags. only one lately gave me 25 bucks. OI VE!
Rachel: Well done! Don't spend it all in one place.
speaking of tattoos: my grandson's GF has one just aabove one of her boobs. the date her grandmother died! it's the latest fad
Rachel, my son inlaw has his Grandmother’s ECG tattooed along his forearm. I am the only person in my family without a tattoo. Skin art is super popular in Sydney.
I'd complement here to this "pilot" stuff floating around since TV suits really have no staff on payroll inventing/writing TV shows? Is there really such an demand for this format? Or someone's been lazy stretching out an idea into well developed 90-120 pages feature?
Dan G:
NF Rachel wis a Pulitzer, shell be way out of the game.
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I had an idea for a movie that bugged me for a year, until I wrote it in my head. Then I wrote it in script. It was horrible as a feature. So, I went to UCLA Extension and turned it into a pilot. I loved it so much more. I felt like the universe I was building in my head was starting to take shape. I did everything I could to make that script what it could be true to me, including paying for several coverage services. Then I started entering contests, some with additional feedback.
That's were I think me and those "idea" people converged. I got good feedback, even made Quarterfinalist in two contests, but all said "good idea", but needed more...some things I didn't agree with, like changing key aspects about my characters (like their gender or personality or background), or was confused at how they came to their assessments, as if they had not read the same script as the one I wrote. I became disheartened, so I shelved it for almost a year.
I think some of these idea people are concerned about writing because they are afraid of that direct feeling that they aren't good enough. It is one thing to hear, "Oh, that's not a good idea." or "That's a good idea, you might be able to do something with that." than to pour yourself into something and watch it be shredded. I don't think that they don't have respect for writers, on the other hand, I think they immense respect because we face that scrutiny, cry a little, but go back and do it again.
So, yeah, do they need to give it a shot themselves? Yeah, but don't be so hard on them. It's a terrifying leap into the shark pool and there is no cage to protect you once you're in there.
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Ericka: Well done and you're a perfect example of the net result of some with the discipline to do the requisite work.
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Here's where I draw the line. I'd be delighted to help you make your dream a reality. My hourly rate is -- Oh, you don't want to spend YOUR hard-earned money? Well, what do you have to trade that's worth hundreds of hours of MY time???
At that point, the conversation always seems to end.
I deliver food to the needy and get free fruits and vegetables. anybody want to work for food?
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To quote one of my favorite Supernatural episodes. "Writing is hard". I have no issue with someone not wanting to tackle the task. I might someday even be willing to break someone's novel into a screenplay for them. Right now, just too busy with my own ideas. Write on people.
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Writers full of ideas but dont want to write them should become Executives. They get to see their ideas made using company funds and real writers get paid/jobs. Everyone wins.
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Real authentic co-writing relationships take time to develop and they can be very fruitful for both writers. A lot of writers also like the comfort of working with a partner because it gives a sense of security and support.
There is also a benefit for screenwriters to working with a novelist who has existing IP. Every buyer in the market is looking for valuable IP, and an entrepreneurial screenwriter should jump at the chance to option a book for a period of time to adapt the material. The novelist is absolutely bringing value to the table if there is a built in audience for the book. I have advised several screenwriters to go find IP and work with the original author to adapt it.
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Hi Dan G. To be a co-writer someone would first need to be a writer. I think that is a different scenario. I don’t write comedy. But my brother does. We have for years spoken about working together as co-writers. I think that is vastly different to “I have an idea”.
Even if they say “I want to work with a writer…”. I hear “I want a secretary”
I agree with Dan and Craig
A lot of my resistance to this is my personality. I love team work and collaboration. But in a project everyone has a task. We are doing different things, that when combined produces something larger than the sum of the parts. Co-writer or writing based on someone’s idea (that isn’t paying me up front) is beyond my personality. I am happiest when left alone with my craft.
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I like your attitude. Very inspiring. Too many times, we experience negativity and doubts. But, you are right. We have to just go for it.
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Wavelength is critical. Collaborating with the right people should make your life easier and more rewarding. This is the danger with caring predominantly about the end results (compensation mainly) as it can cause you to think the pain of carrying someone else's water or tolerating a dysfunctional relationship will be worth it due to some karmic payoff.
There's a lot to be said for following the path of LEAST resistance, especially in the creative arts.
If someone approaches you about turning their idea/IP into a screenplay, you need to feel assured they are reaching out because they want YOU and not just someone who came up on Google who can write in the correct format and/or has connections.
As ever, there is no hard and fast rule. Just be aware that there's a lot of people out there trying to get rich quick.