Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter, Novelist, Graphic Designer, etc. by Maeve ThunderChild

Maeve ThunderChild

Screenwriter, Novelist, Graphic Designer, etc.

Hi, Everyone! -- I don't get in here often but just wanted to stop by to wish everyone a wonderful weekend! Peace...

Cherelynn Baker

Hey Maeve! Welcome to Stage 32! What are you writing, right now?

Landis Stokes


Maeve ThunderChild

THANKS, Cherelynn Baker & Landis Stokes - I've been here for a few years, just notoriously bad at posting in here. Cherelynn, I have my first feature in development & just started developing my first series besides juggling three other scripts around - thanks for asking.

Logan Pham

Welcome to Stage32, Maeve!

Jason Mirch

Hey Maeve ThunderChild! Always love seeing you in the mix! And I am so glad that we're connected here. Keep it rolling my friend!

Maeve ThunderChild

Gotta, Jason Mirch -- can't stop the flow!

Maurice Vaughan

Have a wonderful, creative week, Maeve ThunderChild and everyone!

Maeve ThunderChild

Thanks, Maurice Vaughan - you too! I'm working on a concept reel for my feature right now. What is anyone else up to?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Maeve ThunderChild. What genre is your feature film? I'm pitching scripts and waiting to start a writing job.

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